Program Overview
The conference program is divided into two parts:
- a two-day training workshop in machine learning and digital skills, and
- a three-day cross-disciplinary meeting centered around a hack-day.
Registration for each part is separate - come for the full week, the workshop or just the conference.
Our invited speakers will be presenting at the cross-disciplinary conference during Wednesday and Friday.
Industry Support
The hack-day is a key focus of the meeting and a fantastic opportunity to bootstrap cross-disciplinary projects. Our generous industry partners are sending experts in machine-learning, computer vision, visualisation, data-wrangling, sensors and aerial platforms to help you achieve your vision:
Invited Speakers
We are lining up fantastic speakers to inspire you help you achieve your hack-day goals.

Dr Michael Bewley - Senior Director of AI Systems at Nearmap
Dr Michael Bewley has worked in a wide range of industries. He started out detecting Alzheimers with brain scans, then moved to complex systems and product analytics on medical devices at Cochlear. He then completed a PhD at the ACFR, interpreting imagery produced by underwater robots for marine scientists, before taking on the Lead Data Scientist role in marketing at CommBank. He is now the Director of AI at Nearmap, a fast growing Australian technology company that captures high resolution aerial imagery in four countries.

Jackie Dujmovic - CEO of Hover UAV
As founder and CEO of Hover UAV - an internationally recognised drone consultancy and system management company - Jackie's strength lies in creating strong dialogue and procedures with regulators on a local, national and international level to ultimately implement revolutionary drone system integration to everyday life. This has lead Jackie and her team to be involved in some of the world's largest and progessive drone programs.
Jackie has been recognised in both the UAS and business worlds. She was made a 2018 honoree as a woman to watch in the UAS industry for conservation, and finalist for the Australian Association of Unmanned Systems 2019 leader and humanitarian company of the year.

Dr Ilana Feain - Scientific Commercialisation Specialist at CSIRO
Dr Feain is a commercialisation specialist at CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science. She has extensive astrophysics research experience and and was project scientist for the Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) telescope, before founding a medical imaging company to develop an innovative radiation therapy machine for treating cancer.

Assoc. Prof Shawn Ross - Director of e-Research at Macquarie University
Trained as an historian, Shawn also has over 20 years of fieldwork experience in archaeology, including excavation, pedestrian survey, satellite remote sensing, ceramics processing, technical photography, and data management. Shawn has also directed the Federated Archaeological Information Management Systems (FAIMS) project, which is building information technology infrastructure for archaeology and other fieldwork-based disciplines. FAIMS has led to the development of a new research direction, examining the impact of digital technologies on archaeological research and developing approaches to building robust digital infrastructure in 'small' disciplines like archaeology.